Starfield offers more than just interstellar exploration and spaceship construction. As players progress through the main story missions, they have the opportunity to unlock various powers. These powers work similarly to magic spells players can cast in the game. There are 24 powers in Starfield, but it is unclear yet whether you can unlock all of them in a single playthrough.
The very first power you can get is the Anti-Gravity Field. Like other powers, it also has its own associated artifact and temple. This power will be made available once you complete the mission that would unlock the power system in the game. Here's how you do it.
To acquire powers in Starfield, focus on advancing through the main story. After completing the 'The Old Neighborhood' mission, you'll unlock three additional missions you can tackle in any order from The Lodge. You have the option to join any of the three Constellation members on unique expeditions to obtain new artifact pieces.
For this purpose, select the mission 'Into the Unknown' and make your way to The Eye, a space station located in orbit around Jemison, the same planet where New Atlantis and The Lodge are situated.
Upon docking at The Eye, engage in a conversation with Vladimir, who will mark two locations on your map. Explore both Tau Ceti 2 and Procyon 3, searching for intriguing scans, and be on the lookout for an explorer named Andreja.
To locate Andreja, head to Tau Ceti 2 within the Deep Cave system. There, you'll encounter her engaged in a skirmish with House Va'ruun soldiers. Initiate a conversation with Andreja and assist her in reaching the innermost cave to recover the artifact.
Afterward, proceed to the second location, a cave protected by auto-turrets. Retrieve the artifact and return to The Lodge, where you should place both artifacts. Following this, you'll receive another message from Vladimir at The Eye.
Dock at The Eye and have a conversation with Vladimir. He will direct you to investigate a much larger anomaly on Procyon 3. You'll need to land on the planet and search for the source to do this.
Utilize the Hand Scanner to aid in your search, looking for distortions. The scanning white ring will break up and crackle when you're facing the correct direction.
Continue your journey to the area known as Temple Eta. Upon entering, you'll come across a Zero-G chamber adorned with glowing lights. These lights will increase in speed as you collect them.
Use your boost pack to enhance your speed and maneuver into the glowing lights before they relocate. If you act swiftly, you'll manage to charge the spinning portal located at the center. Once it reaches full charge, the portal will stop rotating.
Dive into the heart of the alien device to obtain the Anti-Gravity Field.
With the Anti-Gravity Field Power, you can create a localized field of intense low-gravity and behold a planet's true power for 45 cost. This power allows you to lift enemies off the ground, and they won't be able to shoot or move.
When using an Xbox controller, you can activate the Anti-Gravity Field by simultaneously pressing the LB and RB buttons (the left and right bumpers). On PC, you can activate your Power by pressing the X key.
That's all for our Anti-Gravity Field guide in Starfield. You can explore more temples and collect more artifacts to obtain other powers.
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