Is Michael B Jordan related to Michael Jordan? 'Black Panther' star once debunked myth in comical fa

Micahel B Jordan is one of the most famous actors in the world. The "Creed" and "Black Panther" star shares his first and last name with NBA legend Michael Jordan.

As such, fans have long wondered whether the two are related and if the former Chicago Bulls star is Michael B. Jordan's father. So, the Hollywood actor once decided to answer that question, albeit hilariously.

Michael B Jordan was filing a video where he answered some of the top Google trends searches revolving around his name. One of the questions asked who Michael B Jordan's father was, and the next one asked if he was related to Micahel Jordan, the NBA legend.

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Michael Jordan, the NBA legend, has two sons, Marcus and Jeffrey Jordan, but is not related with Michael A Jordan, the actor.

It's just a coincidence that their names are similar. However, it's unlikely that anyone would not want to be related to one of the best basketball players in history.

Michael Jordan is worth $3 billion

Following the recent sale of his majority stake in the Charlotte Hornets, Michael Jordan now has an estimated net worth of $3 billion. The figure includes his Jordan Brand ownership and 23XL NASCAR team. Jordan also has a portfolio of investments that have likely paid dividends over the years.

However, the sale of the Hornets really boosted Jordan's net worth. The former NBA superstar purchased the franchise for $275 million in 2010. Just 13 years later, he sold it for an incredible profit. The NBA has exploded in popularity throughout the 2000s, allowing franchises to rapidly increase in value.

To put things into context, Matt Ishbia recently purchased the Phoenix Suns for $4 billion, while Steve Ballmer paid $2 billion for the LA Clippers. Nevertheless, the NBA's success shouldn't take away from Jordan's business prowess and how he generated such a huge profit from a single investment.

Luka Doncic believes Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time

Since LeBron James entered the NBA, a debate regarding who the greatest player in NBA history has arose.

Some believe James' do-it-all skillset makes him the best player in history, while others see Jordan's never-say-die attitude and flawless NBA Finals record as proof that he's the best ever grace the hardwood.

Following the Dallas Mavericks' 2023 preseason opener against the Minnesota Timberwolves, Doncic gave his thoughts on the topic, selecting Jordan as his "GOAT."

"I mean, it's MJ," Doncic said. "It's MJ. I don't know about starting five. I gotta think it. I don't know."

Nevertheless, the discussion surrounding Jordan and LeBron will likely continue for years to come, and, eventually, another player could enter the debate. It's just the nature of professional basketball.

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