One of the most polarizing figures in the world of MMA, Colby Covington, does not shy away from anything when he launches verbal attacks on rivals. Back in 2022, Covington made UFC presenter Laura Sanko chuckle with lewd remarks about Dustin Poirier’s wife.
Covington had a public fallout with members of the American Top Team. Ever since he departed from the camp to join MMA Masters, ‘Chaos’ has been engaged in a public feud with former teammates Jorge Masvidal and Dustin Poirier. UFC presenter Lura Sanko interviewed Covington following his win over Masvidal at UFC 272.
Covington’s statements broke Sanko’s composure as she tried to process the information and laughed awkwardly. The 35-year-old called out Poirier as his next opponent, making vile remarks about his wife, Jolie Poirier:
“[Dustin Poirier] has got all these stipulations [for a fight against me]. I don’t think I got one stipulation. Let the whole world watch. We don’t have to be in the octagon. We can go to a park, we can do it. Let the whole world watch and let them enjoy themselves. Kind of like Dustin does when Conor’s in bed with his wife.”See the interaction below:
For the uninitiated, former interim UFC lightweight champion Dustin Poirier was involved in a fierce rivalry with Conor McGregor that culminated into a trilogy. Heading into their third meeting at UFC 264, McGregor claimed that Jolie Poirier was ‘in his DMs’ and implied that she was cheating on Dustin Poirier.
Although Colby Covington and Dustin Poirier engaged in social media altercations, their beef never materialized into a sanctioned MMA fight. While speaking to James Lynch earlier this year, Covington claimed that Poirier received the offer to fight him but refused to sign the contract:
"Dustin’s afraid. He talked all that sh*t, 'Oh, I'm gonna come up to 170, I wanna fight Colby, I'm gonna do this.' You know, he said on Twitter, 'It's on site,' all these things. He even went on Twitter, 'I accept.' Dude, he never accepted. The UFC gave him the fight, you know, the biggest money fight that he was gonna get besides obviously Conor [McGregor] and he fumbled it."Watch the interview below [12:45]:
After an extended break from competition, Colby Covington will return to challenge UFC welterweight champion Leon Edwards at UFC 296. The event takes place on December 16, 2023, at the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Nevada.
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