We finally met the new nemesis of Tommy Shelby (Cillian Murphy), Father John Hughes (Paddy Considine), and he didn’t disappoint. This powerful priest was a representative of a secret far-right organisation called, variously, the Economic League, the Vigilance Committee and Section D. Hughes preferred “the odd fellows”, lyrically adding: “You can never quite grasp who they are - it’s like gripping wet soap.”
He had Scotland Yard in his pocket, a snarling Doberman Pinscher by his side and was only too happy to threaten Tommy’s family - both sister Ada (Sophie Rundle) and, even more chillingly, baby George. There were also heavy hints that Hughes is a paedophile who’ll “play the squire” at Tommy’s charitable institution and give his creepy sidekick Patrick Jarvis MP (Alex Macqueen) similar child-abusing powers. Echoes of recent BBC Two stablemate Line of Duty here, not to mention real-life paedophile ring scandals.
Considine played the poisonous priest with sinister stillness and whispery menace - picking fluff off his jacket, smirking in amusement and speaking in a quietly forceful tone that made it clear he’ll brook no argument. Tommy’s got a worthy opponent this series.
Remember the bullying psycho-priest who came to stay on Craggy Island in Father Ted? The man who drawled: “If you ever say that to me again, I'll put your head through the wall”? Considine might just have been studying him for research.
Bang goes the Peaky Blinders’ bid for respectability. The inaugural Shelby Foundation Fundraising Dinner took a deadly turn when a waiter pulled a gun to assassinate kingpin Tommy Shelby. However, possibly due to that “gypsy-cursed” sapphire she was wearing, the bullet hit Tommy’s wife Grace (Annabelle Wallis) instead.
A rapidly escalating dispute with the Italians was to blame. The shooter shouted “for Angel!”, in reference to Angel Changretta, who’d been brutally blinded by short-fused John Shelby (Joe Cole). Presumably the waiter was the man from Naples, summoned by Angel’s father Vicente (Kenneth Colley, aka Admiral Piett from the Star Wars films) to exact revenge for his son’s maiming.
As for whether Grace will survive, well, it didn’t look terribly hopeful as her fingers twitched on Tommy’s arm. His grief and thirst for vengeance will also spin the series in darkly intriguing new directions. We’ll find out next week. Either way, pity the Italians and anyone else who crosses Tommy: the tall handsome man in a dusty black coat with a red right hand.
We got a better look at Tommy’s latest business partners this week and what a worryingly dysfunctional bunch they were. Caviar-scoffing, glass-breaking Grand Duke Leon Petrovna (Belgian actor Jan Bijvoet, doing his best Christoph Waltz impersonation) was a volatile villain.
However, he was a pussycat compared to his formidable wife Izabella (Dina Korzun), who looks like the power behind that particular throne. Meanwhile their niece, Duchess Tatiana (Gaite Jansen), continued to be a manipulative minx, making it bluntly clear she would sleep with Tommy “for the cause”. Hmm, if he’s about to be widowed…
Tommy’s left-wing librarian sister turned her back on the family business in series one but there were hints of a change of heart. She referred to Shelby company trucks as “our vans” with something approaching pride. Tommy pounced on it, fondly reminding her how she “used to chase rats with a revolver”. That’s one way of describing the gang’s daily business.
Like last week, this episode was beautifully done by Belgian director Tim Mielants. That closing shot looked like a Renaissance painting come to slo-mo life, while Tommy's opening trip to the armoured vehicle plant - all steam, sparks, steel and billowing flames - was a gorgeously grubby contrast.
Tommy felt powerless when dealing with Hughes and the Petrovnas but compensated by attempting to crush a rebellion in his Brummie backyard. The Peaky Blinders and the Changretta mob have been at peace for two years but one burnt-down restaurant, a pair of seized pubs and one John Shelby motor-mouth later, it’s threatening to explode into turf war.
And all because secretary and de facto gang member Lizzie (Natasha O’Keeffe) fell for an Italian. A “little pisspot” of a matter, as Aunt Polly (Helen McCrory) called it. This “no fraternising with foreigners” rule is threatening to tear the Blinders apart. It’s like a Twenties version of the Brexit debate.
The new-found faith of Shelby family enforcer Arthur (Paul Anderson) is increasingly becoming an issue. Ex-Quaker wife Linda (Kate Phillips) tried to dissuade him from going out at 10pm because “working in the dark is for the devil”. Brother John blamed his bible-bashing better half for Arthur’s advice to “turn the other cheek” by apologising to the Changrettas, then sneeringly called Linda “the Madonna of Moseley”. Tommy told Arthur: “You’re getting soft and weak, brother. Save the bible for Sundays.” He’s also developed a habit of guilt-stricken hand-washing after fights. Something’s got to give. And soon.
Tommy’s quest for payback threatens to splinter the family, Polly’s romance takes a surprising turn and a traitor is unmasked. See you back here for a Peaky post mortem.